Like the Milkman, but for Soap

What do we mean when we say we’re “adopting and adapting the milkman model”? 

A brief history:
Milkmen first emerged in the late 1700s. As many people migrated to cities, there was no room for the family cow, and, as a result, local dairy farmers adapted. The first milk man would go house to house, carrying a metal barrel full and milk, to fill whatever container, jar, or jug people had on hand. 
As super markets became more popular and accessible, milkmen services experienced a sharp decline. In recent years however, milkmen (and women) have made an impressive comeback. Many consumers have an increased interest in buying local, organic, and sustainable– that’s where milkmen come in. One New York Times writer noted that we are in the midst of “a milkman renaissance.” 
We figured why limit this model to milk alone? Why not expand this type of operation to household goods and personal hygiene products? And that’s exactly what we did. 
Picture credit: 
From the Irving Penn Foundation. Between 1950 and 1951 Irving Penn shot his “Small Trades” collection. He captured the simple beauty and honor that accompanies making an honest living. His portraits show the profound dignity of the working class.